June : 23

Daily Log for June, 23 of each year.



  • 11:00am - I woke up a bit late and missing my morning meeting, which is starting to become a bad habit. I will have to make sure that I attend every meeting for the next couple months, it was a bit rough to adjust my sleep and schedule for the meetings but that is no real excuse. I can be caught into a various reasons for my procrastination. What should I do? Well I was able to re-arrange my tasks and maybe look into postponing certain non-important tasks to a later date. I might try to use another layer of numbering or just be honest within my soul, time to put some projects to stale.
  • 7:30pm - I updated the repository for RogueJester and removed my older branch. One of the concepts that I was thinking of was keeping the patches to a limited amount, maybe just one or two max. This way I do not have to keep going back and forth, plus keeps me focused on what needs to be done.
  • 8:00pm - When the application launches, I am thinking of having the basic manga open up and let the reader go through it. This part of the launcher could focus on the notes and latest updates? I suppose we could also sneak in this journal, a bit of offsetting but it could be an idea that we could look into later down the line.


Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action. — Walter Inglis Anderson


  • Render the Manga on the Unity Project
  • Cleaning up the Unity Branches